Dark Mirror
Monks This little piece of fanfic I devote to the fans of the television series, Captain Simian and the Space Monkeys. I hope that by writing this story, others will be encouraged to write fanfic about the series as well. It is absolutely free as long as you don't change anything and redistribute it. So, sit back and enjoy.
"Captain's Log Stardate 1997.6.23, The day after the destruction of Nebula." Captain Simian pondered the words for a moment and then reactivated the log recorder. "At least we think Nebula has been destroyed. Dr. Splitz is conducting sensor scans of the area where Nebula's ship was last detected." Simian grimaced, at that last remark. Apparently when Nebula started the GLOP generator it had the nice side affect of masking the Avenger's sensors, making it impossible to detect what happened to Nebula. "Still, crew morale is high, and I think its high time all of us take a much needed vacation." Simian switched off the log recorder built into his command chair just as a familiar furry face swung down from above and perched himself on Simian's front display console. It was Spydor. "Great idea Cap! And I know the perfect place." Spydor replied as he activated the top beamitron on his right arm. He carried three of them on each arm. Simian had no idea what Spydor stored in those things to require six devices, he decided he really didn't want to know. Materializing in the green beam was a travel brochure. It dropped into Spydor's hands as he began explaining his "proposition." "Check this out Cap! Mytus IV! The galaxy's hot spot for people who want to get away from it all!" Spydor said enthusiastically. "The beaches, the ski resorts, clear skies, and not mention two hundred nightclubs and casinos!" Simian lowered his chair down to the main walkway of the bridge halfway listening as Spydor read on about the planet's vacation spots. The chair touched down, before Simian was the rest of his crew. Gor-illa (Gor for short), the gentle giant gorilla who operated the Avenger's helm. Splitzy/Dr. Splitz, two completely different personalities sharing the same orangutan body, one a hillbilly mechanic and the other a brilliant scientist. And last but not least, Shao Lin, a Chinese Golden Monkey who was formally worshipped as a goddess, and currently serving as the Avenger's first mate. Spydor, done with the brochure, jumped down from Simian's chair and climbed onto Gor's massive shoulder. "Well, does anybody else have any suggestions for a vacation spot?" Simian asked. Gor spoke up, "Captain, Dr. Splitz and I want to go and see Isaac on Cyber1." "Indeed," Dr. Splitz replied with a note of pride in his voice, "I would like to see how my nephew has been progressing." Simian nodded, remembering the little android Dr. Splitz created using Gor's mind algorithm. The little guy imprinted Gor as his father and Dr. Splitz as his uncle. The android also saved their lives by staying behind on Cyber1 and shutting down Matrix. "Check, it would be nice to be the little guy again." Simian replied, "I was thinking we can visit him after our trip to...Earth." His crew, after seeing countless bizarre and extraordinary events, couldn't have looked more shocked. And a little unsure also. Simian couldn't blame them. His desire to go back to Earth, back to his home, was no secret to anyone. Every day was a constant internal struggle between saving the universe and throwing it all away and returning to Earth. Several times he gave into that desire and it was his crew's support that brought him back into reality. Reminding him that it was up to the Space Monkeys to save the billions of species in the universe from evil. "Don't you want to go home? Even if it is just for a little while?", Simian asked. "Back to the flowers, the trees..." Orbitron, the small, glowing, broken, metal ball, zoomed into Simian's faced. "And of course bananas." Orbitron interrupted. "Ha! Bet you thought I was going to say cheese didn't you?" He zoomed off again, satisfied after saying his two cents worth. Spydor, who was lounging on Gor's shoulder, jumped to his feet, all thoughts of Mytus IV washed away like a grit of sand in the tide. "Hey! That floating heap of junk is right! I haven't had a monkey-lovin' banana in ages!" Captain Simian watched on as the last bits of skepticism from his crew melted away. Except for Shao Lin. "What's wrong Goddess?" Simian asked earnestly. "Captain I am worried of the reaction we may receive from the humans, they may find our appearance to most startling." Simian winced, he hadn't given that scenario much thought, but Shao Lin was right. Earth was still a backwater planet compared with the rest of the galaxy. Five highly evolved primates stepping out of an advanced spaceship might bring unwanted attention to themselves. "Check, you have a point. But I was planning to spend only one or two days in the deep forests, not to land in the middle of Times Square and announce We come in Peace." At that point Dr. Splitz replied, "And we needn't worry about the humans detecting us on their radar, the Primate Avenger has a Grade 2 anti detection system." "It'll be like we weren't even there." Splitzy said. Simian nodded, "Then let's do it. All feet to your stations!" Simian raised his command chair and turned to face the forward view screen. They were finally going home. "Spydor! I need those wormhole charts to Earth you calculated a while back!" "Right away Cap! I'll feed them to Gor," the other answered. "I have them, Captain." Gor replied. Simian looked the course over on his panel, the trip would take only two standard Earth days. "Check. Space Monkeys! Hand on! We're going hyperactive!" The Primate Avenger glided into the path of the multicolored wormhole. With a flash from the thrusters the graceful ship kicked into warp speed. All that remained was a drive trail that looked suspiciously like a monkey's tail.
"Captain we are being pulled in a time-space anomaly! " Dr. Splitz shouted above the roar of the star ship and the howling of alarms. "We're getting sucked into it like a bug washed down a kitchen sink." Splitzy translated. A very nasty jolt shot through the ship, knocking Spydor out of his station. "It's gonna shake us apart!" Spydor cried, struggling to his feet. "Where is it taking us?" Gor asked, with obvious worry in his voice. "Dr. Splitz, is there any way we can get out?" Simian asked "Change course or drop out of warp?" "Not advisable Captain!" Dr. Splitz shouted. "If we drop out of warp or attempt to change course we could be destroyed, or worse, we could be lost in time and space . . . forever." Simian looked over to Shao Lin, she looked back. He saw the fear in her eyes, but he also saw something else . . . it was trust. Simian looked back to the forward view screen, a complete chaos of light on the screen. He set his teeth. "All right we ride this thing to wherever it's going to take us." Simian said. "And hope we can find our way back." Just then the Primate Avenger gave a final violent shudder as it blasted out of the anomaly. Simian felt himself falling out of his chair and landing on the cold deck. The interior lighting of the Avenger flicked on and off for a couple of moments and then went black. Immediately the red emergency lights came on and Simian could see Splitzy trying to restore the power. "Is everyone okay?" he asked. Gor was still at the helm and Shao Lin was still at her station, somehow she managed to hang on. Someday she's gotta show me how to do that. Simian thought wryly. Spydor looked unhappy as he climbed up from the jungle below, apparently he slid off the deck. "Hey Cap. Did you get my email about seat belts?" Spydor asked crossly. The lights flicked on as the power generator came online. Splitzy shouted, "Hot diggity! She's a hummin' bubba!" Simian vaulted up to his seat and switched on the forward view screen. It showed a vast field of stars, everything appeared to be perfectly normal. Except for one thing . . . "Unidentified ship exiting hyperspace Captain." Shao Lin warned. Simian watched the sliver speck coming out of Warp, a very bad sensation growing in his stomach. Something was very wrong . . . "Space Monkeys! Yellow Alert! I want sensors on passive scanning only! Shao Lin, raise shields and power up the stun system. Dr. Splitz, can we zoom in on the ship?" Dr. Splitz/Splitzy nodded and the tiny silver speck expanded to fill the entire screen, automatically the view screen adjusted the resolution and the image sharpened. A startled gasp shot through the bridge of the Primate Avenger. Simian felt his mouth drop an inch or two as he stared at the ship before him. It was the Primate Avenger. "How can there be two Primate Avengers?" Gor asked. "Actually Gor, observation of the ship suggests it is indeed similar to the Avenger but with important differences." Dr. Splitz answered. "Well that's a monkey-lovin relief . . . " Spydor began. "In actuality it appears to be better armed and better shielded." Dr. Splitz continued. "What!" Spydor shouted. "Captain," Shao Lin interrupted. "This might be a good time to escape to Lightspeed, we still have no idea where we are." Simian shook his head. "Negative Shao Lin. We need answers and this guy may be able to provide some." Simian leaned back in his chair and folded his hands behind his head. "Besides I'm curious." Shao Lin folded her arms across her chest, the usual gesture she made when she didn't agree with Simian. "It is said that curiosity killed the chimpanzee." She warned. "I'll keep that under advisement, Goddess." Simian muttered through clenched teeth. The ship had now moved in range of the Avenger. Simian felt the bad sensation in his stomach increase as he noticed the vessel's improved weaponry and its intimidating look. It was definitely a ship suited for combat, not peaceful exploration. "Hey Cap the mooks are hailing us." Spydor warned. "Oh goody! Maybe they want to invite us over for tea!" Orbitron shouted with glee. "Open a channel mister, let's see what our friend wants." Simian replied feeling the pit of his stomach twist. On the view screen the mystery ship's captain appeared and to Captain Simian's surprise the face on the screen . . . was his own. Orbitron zoomed off to a small corner of the bridge singing to himself, "They look alike, they talk alike, they even want to dress alike. You could lose your mind . . . " Simian fought hard to keep his face under control as he looked at the monstrosity before him. It was his face but it wasn't. For starters the face on the screen was clearly a cyborg, his right eye and left arm were clearly mechanical. Second the portion of his face that was biological was twisted into a scowl, in fact it seemed like the only expression the face was capable of producing. I have a very bad feeling about this, Simian thought. If the face was surprised at all to see a duplicate of himself, like Simian, he didn't show it. "Unidentified vessel. I am Simian X1 of the Primate Marauder. Identify yourselves immediately, or be destroyed." Simian thought for a moment, he could tell the truth or lie about his identity. No, he decided lying wouldn't fool this guy, chances are he was probably responsible for the anomaly. "I am Captain Simian of the Primate Avenger, we come in peace, and with good will." Simian X1's face retained that same hostile expression. At the same time Simian caught a glance of Splitzy typing away with all hands and feet in intense concentration. Simian's eyes flicked down to his view console, on the bottom of the screen was a message. Captain, please keep Simian X1 diverted, I have an idea. -Dr. Splitz (and Splitzy too) He raised his eyes up to Simian X1 and continued talking. "We have somehow been pulled into a time-space anomaly of some sort and are lost. We would appreciate greatly any information you may have as to our current location. What galaxy this is, the date, and . . . any information as to what caused the anomaly." Simian X1's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "I have a few questions to ask you myself, Captain." He said, pronouncing the word captain with as much sarcasm as he could. "For instance, why does your ship resemble mine, why do you look and sound like me . . . " Simian X1 leaned in closer. "And why are you interested in taking my GLOP generator?" Simian felt his body turn cold with shock. So that was what caused the anomaly, how many of those flipping' things are there anyway? "Captain Simian X1, I assure you we honestly don't know why we look alike and I can definitely assure you that I don't want your GLOP generator." "Really." Simian X1 said mockingly as his eyes were directed to something off the screen. His eyes then tracked back to lock onto Simian's. The red cyborg eye felt like it was burning into Simian's skull. "Would you mind telling your engineer to stop downloading information off our computer system." Simian hid a grimace. The game was up. Simian X1 looked pleased as he continued. "Captain Simian, you have five minutes to power down your systems and prepare to be boarded. My master Lord Nebula and I have a few things to discuss with you." "What if I have a little problem with that?" He asked returning the latter's hard stare. Simian X1 smiled. A cold, cruel, and vicious expression that turned Simian's blood into ice water. "Check, its a death wish thing." He said. With that, Simian X1's face was replaced with a view of the Primate Marauder. Simian sat there, motionless, things were getting really bad really fast and he still didn't have the whole story. His crew was sitting at their posts, awaiting his orders. Simian despised these dark moments of indecision when he didn't have the slightest clue of what to do. But it always seemed, whenever despair threatened to overtake him, his crew was there. Shao Lin, who was silently watching Simian, spoke up first, "We are awaiting your orders Captain." Simian cracked a slight smile, "I have no intention of surrender, and I think Simian X1 knows that." He turned to Splitzy, "Does the Primate Marauder have any potential weak spots?" Simian asked. Dr. Splitzy nodded. "Indeed Captain, a comparison between the Avenger and Marauder suggests that we are significantly faster and far more agile, escape is possible if we apply a 500- megawatt blast right about here, at the power converter." A holographic model of the Marauder appeared and the exact location was highlighted in a bright yellow. "And then blast outta here like our tail's on fire!" Splitzy finished. Simian nodded and wrapped his feet around the Avenger's controls. "Let's do it." Simian X1 stared at the ship on the screen before him. In the background he could feel his crew working silently and efficiently to serve him. Simian X1 knew they would all betray him in an instant. Especially the little runt Spydor. He was the smallest of the group, which made him all the more dangerous, he was an expert with a knife and had an overinflated ambition. Splitzy and Dr. Splitzy weren't much better. Dr. Splitzy was brilliant, but as far as Simian X1 could tell the good doctor was also insane, and Splitzy had a tendency to violently express his anger. Even his executive officer Sholin was against him, although she covered by showing off her incredible body in front of him. Simian X1 allowed himself a tight smile, he'll concentrate on that subject later, when they would have a chance to be alone. The gorilla was the only one whom Simian X1 knew wouldn't betray him. The neural helmet that gave Simian X1 complete control of the beast's brain ensured that. Simian X1 reached down to his belt and fingered the small device attached there. It was the only thing that kept the rest of his crew from betraying him. Simian X1 learned a long time ago that the only way to gain respect is through fear and pain, a lesson taught to him by Lord Nebula. Suddenly a blue flash from the Avenger struck the Marauder. The entire ship buckled and the interior lighting flickered. When the chaos was over, Simian X1 could see the Avenger speeding away. Simian X1 roared, "They are getting away! Get us moving!" Dr. Splitz responded a bit reluctantly, "We can't pursue just yet. The power converter is off-line, I'll have it up in a few seconds." "You better doctor," Simian X1 said, his voice deadly soft as he stared the orangutan down. "Gorilla, fire one gorpedo at the Avenger." "Aye, Aye, Captain." The other responded mindlessly. Spydor nearly jumped out of his skin, "Object coming up fast at six o'clock." He warned as he cupped his hands to his earphones. "It sounds like . . . A Gorpedo!", he shouted. "Fire countermeasures," Simian ordered. "Countermeasures deployed." Shao Lin replied staring at her panel. Her eyes widened in surprise. "Countermeasures have failed. Impact in five seconds!" She shouted. "This has not been a good day." Simian replied. "All feet, brace for impact!" he ordered. A moment later a tremendous explosion rocked the Primate Avenger and sent it careening out of control. Simian gripped the Primate Avenger's controls with both feet and struggled to bring the massive ship out of its spin. Finally, the stars outside stopped spinning. "Our shields have failed captain." Shao Lin reported. "Captain, the Marauder has its systems online, they are in pursuit." Dr. Splitz warned. "Whoo-wee, And they look ticked.", Splitzy finished. Simian watched as the Marauder zoomed in closer. He frowned, why weren't they firing? They were in range, a few shots with their stunner would leave the Avenger dead in space. Unless . . . Simian's eye's widened. "We have to go to hyperactive." He commanded. "They're going to use . . . " The Primate Avenger shook one final time. "A tractor beam." Simian finished with a groan. The Primate Marauder loomed in closer to the ensnared Avenger. The purple beam emitting from the Marauder prevented any escape, the tractor beam compensated for the Marauder's lack of speed and agility. It gave the Marauder the ability to capture ships faster and more agile than itself. "Well, it was a good try at least." Simian said staring at the Marauder. "Captain, it is not over! They still have to take control of this ship." Shao Lin said fiercely. "Check." Simian agreed "They aren't taking us without a fight." "Hey Cap," Spydor replied, "I have you-know-who on the phone. Want me to take a message?" Simian nodded. "Patch him through, let's see what he has to say." Simian X1's face appeared on the screen. "I'm getting tired of this game captain. I realize that taking you alive would be too time consuming; I have to get the Anti force to Lord Nebula." Simian X1 flashed another vicious smile. "It will be a pleasure watching you die." The cyborg said, grinning wolfishly. "Captain, the Marauder is powering up their weapons." Dr. Splitz warned. Orbitron zoomed by, "Goodbye, cruel, cruel world." "Captain, there is another ship coming out of hyperspace!" Shao Lin shouted. A red beam slashed at the Primate Marauder, caught completely off ground by the new arrival. Before the Marauder could return fire, another beam lashed out and hit the vessel's tractor beam projector. The purple beam surrounding the Avenger dissolved. The attacker, a small, sleek, purple fighter with a bubble canopy, buzzed past. The Marauder, which had recovered from the attack, began pounding away at the small fighter with its massive lasers. "Captain," Dr. Splitz said in awe. "That's a . . . " "Yes, I know." Simian said cooly. "It's a psy-fighter. Let's help him out. Concentrate all fire on the Primate Marauder!" The Marauder, seeing that it was slightly outnumbered and taking attack from both ships, banked away from the engagement. The psy-fighter and the Primate Avenger gave pursuit behind it, both ships inflicting as much damage as possible. With an explosion of light the Primate Marauder vanished into hyperspace. A loud cheer erupted on the bridge of the Avenger, Simian was silent, staring at the purple psy-fighter. "Spydor, open a channel to our friend." He said. "Aye-aye sir." Spydor replied. Simian watched as the screen changed from the fighter to the face of its captain. And for the first time since the day began, Simian wasn't the least bit surprised. It was Rhesus 2.
Well, thought Simian was he looked at the monkey before him. It wasn't exactly Rhesus 2, unlike the Rhesus 2 back in his universe, this one was not a cyborg, and this one's brain was inside his head. The Rhesus 2 in front of him was handsome by monkey standards and looked quite young, except for his eyes. They looked tired and strained. In them Simian saw the wisdom of an experienced warrior, the look of a monkey that is tired of the fighting, but deep down knows he must continue. In fact, if it wasn't for the voice and the psy-fighter, Simian would have no clue who he was looking at. "My word." Rhesus said in amazement. "You look just like him. Who are you?" "I am Captain Simian of the Primate Avenger." Simian answered. "Who are you?" "I am Captain Rhesus." The other replied. "I believe Captain Simian, we have much to discuss." Simian couldn't believe he would see the day when Rhesus 2 would show up invited on the bridge of his ship. But, the monkey standing before him was different from the Rhesus 2 he knew, and more importantly his one had the answers he needed. "So let me get this straight.", Simian began, scratching his head. "We were pulled into an anomaly caused by Simian X1 when he triggered the GLOP generator he was taking to Nebula." Rhesus nodded, "You are correct captain. The GLOP generator is somewhat malfunctioning." "So when Simian X1 started the device, the GLOP generator caused a rip in time and space," Dr. Splitz added. "Creating a temporary bridge if you will between our universe and the parallel "dark" universe." "Dr. Splitz, how temporary is this bridge?" Simian asked. "I'll begin scanning the stableness of the portal now, we should have an estimate in a few minutes." Simian turned to Rhesus, "So how did you become a defender of the universe." He asked. "I was a space monkey, sent by my home planet Terestria as an experiment in order to find out how well humans can survive in space. There was a malfunction in my capsule and I floated in a deep freeze hibernation to the center of the galaxy. There these intelligent beings know as the " ", evolved me, gave me an advanced spaceship, and said I was the new defender of the universe." Rhesus eyed Simian. "Sound familiar." "Yeah," Simian cracked a tight smile. "A little." Then Simian remembered something. "What a minute . . . Where's your crew?" Rhesus looked shocked for a moment and then smiled ruefully. "I like to work alone." Simian watched as the monkey turned around to look at the stars outside the ship. A feeling of awe swept over him. Rhesus was able to keep Lord Nebula at bay by himself, alone. Simian was positive that without his crew's help and support Nebula would have achieved his ultimate goal, the recreation of the universe within himself. Simian shuddered, the roles of himself and Rhesus were reversed. That meant Simian X1 went through the gruesome operation that turned Rhesus2 into a slave of Nebula. Simian recalled the time he experienced Rhesus 2's worst nightmare, the time Nebula performed the brain transplant that turned Rhesus 2 into a machine. He felt like he was dying. "Captain, I have finished scanning the portal." Dr. Splitz called. "The portal will remain open in the next three hours. After that time the portal will collapse, severing the link between the parallel universes." "Meaning we better catch the next bus outta here." Splitzy responded. Simian nodded. "Check, all feet to your stations! Plot a hyperspace jump back through the portal." Rhesus spun around his face full with alarm. "In case you have forgotten Captain, Simian X1 still has the GLOP generator. Right now he is taking to Lord Nebula even as we speak." Rhesus took a deep breath. "I am asking for your help in defeating Simian X1, I cannot do it alone." Simian opened his mouth, about to explain to Rhesus that he had a crew to think about, when Shao Lin spoke up behind him. "Captain may I speak with you for a moment." Simian nodded and followed Shao Lin to the far corner of the bridge. "Okay, What's on your mind?" He asked crossing his arms. "Captain, we have to help Rhesus recover the GLOP generator from Simian X1." Simian shook his head. "Negative Goddess, it's not our fight." "But it is our fight," Shao Lin protested. "Billions of species will die, in our universe as well as this one." Simian was confused. "What are you talking about?" he asked. Shao Lin sighed. "In the universe, a perfect balance of good and evil must be maintained. This universe and our own are both interconnected. If this universe was destroyed, it would disrupt the cosmic balance and destroy our own. I believe we were not transported here by accident captain!" Simian stared at her in shock, not knowing what to believe. He wanted to dismiss Sho- lin's argument, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. A part of him wanted to take his crew and ship back to their own universe. The other part told him that if he did he could very well condemn billion's of species to their doom, even if it wasn't his own universe. Splitzy swung over. "Pardon me interrupting this shindig but Egghead's got something to tell you. And it's real important too." "Thank you, Splitzy." Dr. Splitz stated. "Captain, I have discovered something that is most disturbing. To return to our universe, we will have to reproduce the exact conditions that resulted in the anomaly. We will need the GLOP generator to accomplish that." As Splitzy returned to his station, Shao Lin looked at Simian. "Well Captain, it seems the decision has been made for you. Perhaps one day you will understand the necessity of balance." With that Shao Lin vaulted up to her chair. Simian swung over to where Rhesus was, they had an attack to plan. Once again, Simian realized, he was going to save the universe. But, he wondered, Which one?
Simian X1 stared at the star lines as the Primate Marauder screamed through hyperspace, hatred boiling in his veins. He had never been forced to run from a fight. He had both the Primate Avenger and Rhesus's fighter under the Marauder's guns, just as Nebula contacted him and ordered Simian X1 to retreat. His obsession with that GLOP generator will be his undoing. Simian X1 thought. He growled, Nebula had spoiled his fun, and every fiber in his personality hated being ordered around and hated even more to lose. Image was everything in combat and Simian X1's retreat made him look weak. He sneered, one day Nebula will pay dearly this. "How are the repairs going on the GLOP generator doctor?" Simian X1 asked. Dr. Splitz looked up nervously, "I am afraid captain, that I have not been making any headway on the device." "What!" Simian X1 shouted in rage. "But Captain," Dr. Splitz stuttered. "I know little about this sort of technology. It's all Splitzy's fault, he insisted . . . " "Stow it!" Simian X1 shouted. He leaped down to the doctor's station. "I am through with your excuses, mister." He said, his voice quiet and deadly. He favored Dr. Splitz a cold stare as he reached down to the device on his belt. "Captain," Dr. Splitz protested as he stared frozen in fear at the device in Simian X1's hand. Sholin and Spydor looked on at the scene, each monkey remembering fully the experiences they had when Simian X1 used the device on them. Spydor caught Sholin's eye, they both were tired of Simian X1 and where willing to kill their captain to escape. The trouble was they had to get past the agony device Simian X1 carried, the gorilla who was under his complete control, and of course his own fighting ability. Simian X1 activated the device and both Sholin and Spydor winced as Dr. Splitz/Splitzy's screams echoed through the bridge. The beeping on Spydor's console brought the crew of the Marauder out of the nightmare. "Uh . . . Captain," Spydor said, barely keeping his voice from cracking, "There's a ship coming up fast at six o'clock." Simian X1 looked up at Spydor and switched off the device. Dr. Splitz/Splitzy fell to the deck gasping for air and struggling to get up. "On your feet, mister." Simian X1 ordered as he leaped to his chair. "Put them on the screen." Simian X1 caught a glimpse of the Primate Avenger just as the face of Captain Simian appeared. "What's the matter Simian X1?" Simian jeered. "Are you afraid you'll get beaten by a bunch of monkeys?" The cyborg stared silently on, his bionic hand griping the arm of his command chair. Simian continued, "Simian X1, I know myself and I can't believe you ran away. That would have been the last thing I would have done." Simian moved in closer. "I guess there are differences between us." Simian X1's grip on the chair tightened. Captain Simian cracked a smile, "But there is one thing I hate worse than running. It's having someone shoot at my ship." The view changed a shot of the Primate Avenger, just as it fired a gorpedo. The projectile flew through hyperspace and detonated a few meters away from the Marauder. Simian X1 felt the entire ship shuddered violently. A horrible screech of metal sounded as Simian X1 crushed the arm of the chair. "Drop us out of Warp!" Simian X1 shouted in rage. "I want that Space Monkey!" The Primate Avenger dropped out of Warp and raced to the desolate rocky planet of Cyrus VI. The Marauder exited hyperspace about five seconds behind the Avenger, all weapons blazing. "Gor! Set us down in that rocky canyon over there." Simian ordered. "But Captain," Shao Lin protested. "Will not landing make us vulnerable to airborne attack?" "Affirmative." Simian replied. "But I know myself, Simian X1 will want to kill me personally. Besides." He added. "The canyon gives us a better tactical advantage. We may be able to split up Simian X1's crew and buy Rhesus enough time to unleash his surprise." Simian grimaced, he'd wanted to know what Rhesus had in mind but the primate wouldn't tell him. I guess I have to trust him. Simian thought bitterly. The Primate Avenger settled down on a large, relatively flat spot, surrounding the area were paths spreading out from the clearing. The Primate Marauder settled down in front of the Avenger, the two ships positioned to face each other. Steam poured off of both ships as their engines went into standby/cool off mode, a passerby would see the two ships as gigantic beasts facing off in a fight to the death. Simultaneously the front ramps of the two ships opened. Captain Simian, Shao Lin, Spy- dor, Dr. Splitz/Splitzy, and Gor disembarked from the Primate Avenger each monkey steeling themselves for the battle to come. Simian X1, Sholin, Spydor, Dr. Splitz/Splitzy, and the gorilla also walked down their ramp, their expressions hard, they too were prepared to fight to the death. The two sides looked each other over for what seemed to be an eternity. Finally Simian X1 spoke. "Captain Simian. How nice that we finally meet face-to-face. You know, you look shorter in person." Simian's eyes narrowed. "Funny. I was going to say the same thing about you." Simian's expression turned cold. "You have something I want Simian X1." "Check." Simian X1 said as he activated his beamitron. In the green beam, appeared the GLOP generator. Simian X1 sighed. "I know you, Captain, and I can see you will continue to be a gadfly to me until I destroy you." Simian X1's lip curled into a snarl as he said venomously, "Just like that pest Rhesus. Where is he?" "He's on vacation." Simian replied. Simian X1 laughed. "No matter. You all will still be destroyed anyway. Don't expect Rhesus to come and save you." He brought up a small hand-held device with his free hand and pushed a pad. The gorilla, who had been standing there in a kind of dream state, sprang to life as the helmet, activated by Simian X1's control pad, sent pulses into the beast's brain. With a roar the beast grew ten times his normal size, the metal armor surrounding the ape fell into sheets at his feet as the gorilla outgrew his suit. Twelve inch fangs grew out of the ape's mouth and the gorilla's eyes turned blood red. Spydor screeched in panic. "O man! He's got a GORMONGUS!" Simian X1 threw back his head as he laughed. "Gorilla!" He shouted to the beast. "I am your master! Destroy Captain Simian and his crew!" The gigantic beasts roared and charged toward his victims. "Space Monkeys! Flip Out!" Simian ordered. The crew scattered, getting out of the monster's path, all except Gor. "Gor!" Simian shouted. "What are you doing?" "You will not hurt my friends!" Gor shouted as the monster bore down on him. With a tremendous roar, Gor's eyes turned red and his body grew ten times. The monstrous beast charging on the space monkeys was surprise to see a mirror image of himself roar in his face, pick him up and throw him against the canyon wall. " Way ta go! Gor!" Spydor shouted over the noise. "Show that big dumb mook how a real gorilla fights!" Simian looked up to see the two giant monsters locked in what appeared to be a wrestling match, raw strength versus raw strength. Each beast trying to over power the other. He looked around, trying to find Simian X1. He saw him, the GLOP generator in one hand, blaster in another running down one to the canyon paths. He saw Simian X1's crew take different paths. Simian looked around and saw his crew, hiding behind a group of boulders, watching the awesome match. "I'm going after Simian X1 and the GLOP generator." Simian shouted over the noise. "Follow Gor's example and go after your counterpart. We'll try to buy Rhesus enough time as we can!" His crew nodded and raced to follow their doubles. "Don't worry Cap! ," Spydor said, "We'll take care of those mooks!" With that Spydor and Splitzy went in search of their doubles. Shao Lin bowed, "We will not fail you, Captain." A flash of worry crossed her face. "Be careful of Simian X1, Charlie." "Affirmative Shao Lin." Simian answered. "Be careful out there yourself, okay?" Shao Lin nodded. "Thank you captain. I will." She turned and began to follow her double. Shao Lin crept along the canyon walls, her senses, enhanced by years of martial training, were on full alert. She felt her heartbeat accelerate with each passing moment as she made her way down the path. She ran through a few breathing techniques to calm herself and clear her mind. In moments the thin passage through the rocks opened up to a small clearing, a few hardy plants grew out of the poor soil, it was midday and the planet's sun shone through the clearing. But even it's warmth could not dispel the coldness in her body, because, standing before her in the clearing, was her duplicate. Spydor and Dr. Splitz/Splitzy made their way through the rocky maze. Dr. Splitz's bananatron scanning the area for life form readings. They walked in silence and pretty soon, came across a fork in the path. Dr. Splitz wore a thoughtful expression as he scanned both paths. "Hmm . . . fascinating. It appears that they have separated." Dr. Splitz said. "I guess we better do the same." Splitzy replied. "Oh this is great. So where's my monkey-lovin' twin at." Spydor asked. Dr. Splitz pointed to the corridor on the right. "The Spydor double is down that way." "Take care of yourself little britches." Splitzy commented. "Thanks," Spydor said, "Likewise my man." Spydor waked down the path, wondering way how he got himself into his mess. "I knew we should have gone to Mytus IV, but nooo! Some vacation cap!" Spydor said to himself. He reached a small area, it was surrounded by all types of boulders. In fact, it reminded Spydor of a movie set, where the hero battles his nemesis in a daring sword fight. He chuckled nervously to himself. Just then he heard the tumbling of small rocks and the screeching of a monkey. Spydor turned around just in time to see his double leaping down toward him, a long sword in his hand. Dr. Splitz continued scanning on the bananatron, according to the device his double should be just around the bend. "Hey Egghead!" Splitzy began. "I wonder what our twins are like anyway?" "Hmm . . . Interesting inquiry. I would imagine that they posses the same intelligence, physical ability and other certain character . . . " Dr. Splitz never finished his statement, because, standing just a few yards away, was their duplicate. Simian raced through the canyon walls, pursuing Simian X1 at a dizzying pace. Sharp rocks cut at him as ran full throttle through impossibly tight places. The planet's sun was blocked by the steep walls of the canyon, cutting down visibility. Just then Simian bust clear of the canyon walls and onto a clear spot, the bright sunlight dazzled Simian's eyes. As his vision cleared, Simian could see no trace of Simian X1. Simian looked around and was surprised to see that the only way out of the dead end was the path he just came from. A laser bolt burned past his ear and exploded a section of rock close to his face, Simian went down, his stunner in hand. Shao Lin crouched into a fighting position, all eyes on her opponent. Her duplicate however seemed to be perfectly relaxed as she put her hands on her hips and looked Shao Lin over. "So, you are my worthy opponent for this evening." She smiled. "You do not look like much of a fighter." Shao Lin raised an eyebrow as she took notice of her duplicate's apparel. It was only enough to cover the most vital parts, Shao Lin had seen more cloth on a place mat. "Neither do you if I may add." The double looked herself down. "Not all weapons have blades Shao Lin. I find that I can achieve much more just by exploiting certain male weaknesses." She eyed Shao Lin scornfully. "You should try it sometime." Shao Lin's muscles tensed. "When monkeys fly." She shouted and with an earsplitting battle cry, charged at her double and leaped to perform a flying kick. The double rolled under the attack and started to counterattack, Shao Lin spun around and blocked the punch. The two monkeys performed a lighting-fast, deadly dance, each one matching the other's attack. Shao Lin couldn't believe her double's fighting ability. The double was using Shao Lin's fighting style but beneath it was brutal savageness, each blow meant to kill. Shao Lin let her guard slip for a split second and paid for it with a nasty snap kick in the head. Shao Lin avoided some, but not all of the blow's momentum. She felt herself stumble back and did a back flip to add distance between herself and the duplicate. Unfortunately, with her head swimming from the blow, she landed wrong. A sharp pain shot from her ankle through her right leg, unable to support her weight, she crashed down on the rocky landscape. Shao Lin's double stood there, laughing at the scene. "Did you fall down?" She said mockingly, "You are a pathetic excuse for a warrior. Your captain deserves better." The double's eyes narrowed. "Your captain, he is a very handsome male. Perhaps he will be my ticket out of here. After all, we both look the same." She said staring at Shao Lin purposefully. Shao Lin stared back in horror, if this double put on her jumpsuit, Charlie would not know the difference. Until it was too late. Fighting back the pain with her anger, she shouted at her double. "We will see who is the last one standing!" As Shao Lin charged her double, she activated her beamitron. A wooden bo appeared in her hand, with one fluid motion she thrust the weapon with all her might. The weapon connected with her double's stomach, making a queer sound, the Shao Lin double flew through the air and landed on her back, motionless. Shao Lin limped in closer to her opponent. Shao Lin could still see that her double was still alive, her chest rising and falling with each breath. Suddenly Shao Lin felt a foot kick her bad ankle. Crying in pain Shao Lin landed on her back, the bo fell from her hand as she did. She felt a weight on top of her. Shao Lin opened her eyes and found herself face to face with her double. In the double's tail, pointed right at her, was Shao Lin's staff. "You fight better when your angry Shao Lin, but still you are no match for me." The duplicate looked at the bo approvingly, "A well-constructed weapon. If I am not mistaken, you have a spring loaded blade right in here." She pushed the end of the bo into Shao Lin's neck, "And all I have to do is twist the bo just right to release it. Then I will take your place as the Avenger's first officer." Shao Lin choked back a bitter tear as she prepared for death. She had failed the captain. "Charlie, I'm sorry." She whispered. Spydor back flipped as the sword swiped the air. "Just what in the monkey-lovin' world do you think you're doing you psychotic, blade-wielding, copycat mook!" he shouted. The Spydor double grinned, "What do you think?" He said as he closed in on Spydor. The double swung his arm back and then swiped at Spydor again. Spydor was ready this time. Scooping up a fistful of dirt in his right foot, he performed another back flip. As the cold steel buzzed past, Spydor opened his foot in midair, flinging the dirt in his duplicate's eyes. The double, blinded, stumbled around trying desperately to clear his eyes. Spydor began pressing his beamitrons, searching for a weapon. "Let see, " he said as he took inventory of the amazing pile of junk growing before him. "The Star Wars Trilogy Video Collection . . . A koosh ball . . . a garboozian fur coat (synthetic fur of course)." He added. He punched the beamitrons desperately. "Nothing! Nada! Not a single monkey-lovin' weapon anywhere!" The Spydor double got back up and started toward Spydor again, growling a few colorful metaphors in Spydor's direction. As the duplicate closed in Spydor hit one last beamitron. A nine iron appeared in Spydor's hands. "All right! Now we're talking!" Spydor exclaimed as he swung the golf club to block his double's sword. Spydor swung the club around to block another attack. The double put more of his weight on the sword. Spydor grunted as he pushed back. He was certain his clone was much stronger than he was, but maybe not as cunning. Spydor leaned back, using his tail for balance he lifted his foot and pressed it against his double's stomach. With a shove, Spydor sent his duplicate flying against a boulder. The double, groaning, started to rise, Spydor looked down at his feet. Right there was a golf-balled sized rock. The duplicate stumbled to his feet, he looked up in time to see Spydor swing back his golf club. "Fore!" the monkey shouted. Spydor watched as the rock sped toward his double and connected with the monkey's head. Spydor smirked as the evil primate went down for the second time. He kissed his lucky nine iron. "Mess with the best." He began, "Get beat down like the rest!" Spydor crowed as he turned around to see how Gor was faring. Spydor froze as he heard the telltale click and the energizing whine of a blaster. He turned slowly around to see his double, pointing a blaster right in his face. "Maybe so," the double stated. "But unlike other mooks, I cheat." Splitzy dodged the expert right hook thrown by his double. Splitzy counterattacked with a few rapid jabs. The two orangutans broke apart and circled each other, both taking up boxing stances. Dr. Splitz cried out, "Rook to E4 level three." "Wizard to A2 level six." The Dr. Splitz double returned. Splitzy and his double both looked puzzled. "Just what in the heck are you two doing anyway?" he asked. "We are engaging in multilevel mental chess, standard Andromeda tournament rules." Dr. Splitz answered. "Now quiet Splitzy. I have to keep track of where all the pieces are in my mind since we don't have a board." The doctor replied crossly. Splitzy shrugged and his double moved in again throwing a punch for Splitzy's head. Splitzy ducked under the blow and delivered an uppercut, catching the double squarely in the jaw. "Cannon to level four, takes rook." Dr. Splitz rang. The Splitzy double rubbed his jaw and began to ferociously throw mad punches at Splitzy. Splitzy stumbled back from the onslaught. "Queen to Z7, level two, takes wizard." The Dr. Splitz double shouted back triumphantly. Dr. Splitz grunted, one of his princes was wide open. "Rook to Z7, level two, takes wizard." He countered. "Cannon to level one, A2." The Dr. Splitz clone said, the strain in his voice pouring through. "Wizard to E4," Dr. Splitz smiled. "Check." It was the double's turn to smile, "I don't think so doctor." And for the first time Dr. Splitz realized he was alone, he searched his mind to find Splitzy. He found his other personality dormant, unable to wake up. Dr. Splitz was frozen with fear, he'd been so caught up in the game he hadn't paid attention to Splitzy. Dr. Splitz crawled backward to the canyon wall as his evil double came in closer. "Precisely doctor, your dear Splitzy has been taking care of." The double reached down to his left arm, where he kept a beamitron. "I believe you know what happens when you use one of these wonderful little devices on a living being don't you?" Dr. Splitz nodded, a beamitron transfers every atom of an inanimate object into energy, which could then be compressed and stored. The trick was in living organisms the beamitron cannot complete the energy transfer properly since they were so complex. The victim of the beamitron is then reduced into a pile of base elements or simple compounds. At least in theory, Dr. Splitz had never seen the effects of a beamitron on a living creature, he said this much to his double. "On the contrary my good colleague, I have witnessed the effects of a beamitron on many of my subjects." The Dr. Splitz double smiled. "I can assure you the results live up to the theory perfectly." "And it makes a big ol mess too." The Splitzy double replied. The double then raised his left arm, pointing the beamitron at Dr. Splitz. "Checkmate." Gormongus strained against the strength of his double. The two massive apes were locked in mortal combat, both arms outstretched as they pushed against one another. Gormongus was still confused about the intruder who looked and smelled just like him. The double pushed Gormongus into the canyon wall. Gormongus roared defiantly, with a surge of rage, he shoved the duplicate back twenty yards, the double stumbled backward, off balance, but then steadied himself. With a roar the double charged Gormongus, arms outstretched for his enemy's neck. Gormongus decided he wasn't going to play that game, throwing his massive arms up and at the same charging himself, Gormongus slapped the double's arms away and succeeding in shoulder butting his double, driving the enemy back a few steps. Gormongus followed with a solid punch into the other's stomach. Normally this would not have been successful against a beast as massive as the double, but with his massive strength and rage behind it, Gormongus was able to knock the wind out of his duplicate. The Gormongus double wavered then attacked with a left hook that caught Gormongus in the jaw. Gormongus roared in pain and rage as he swept his arm back and dealt the double a vicious backhand. The double backed away from Gormongus, wary of the giant ape's great reach. The double then picked up a boulder about the size of a city bus, and threw the projectile at Gormongus, as easily as someone throwing a softball. Gormongus tried to duck under the missile, but he was too slow. The boulder smashed into Gormongus's side, spinning and throwing the massive ape on it's back, sending a noticeable rumble through the canyon walls and the ground. Gormongus struggled, the boulder had him pinned down, the frustrated roar of the giant ape echoed through the canyon. The double roared in returned, beating its chest in victory as he closed the distance between himself and the trapped Gormongus. As the beast neared, Gormongus felt his rage increase. Gormongus could not let this monster win, he must destroy this impostor. As his rage peaked, Gormongus, bellowed deep from his diaphragm. With the roar and the rage making him powerful, Gormongus grabbed the boulder. In one fluid motion, he picked the boulder off himself and charged toward the double, using the boulder as a battering ram. The momentum of Gormongus's impact with the double threw the duplicate all the way to the far canyon wall. The Gormongus double smacked into the wall, leaving an imprint on the stone, the beast then fell face forward on the ground, groaning. Gormongus had won! He felt tired, that last charge had left him exhausted. Then, to Gormongus's, disbelief the double dragged himself to his feet. If Gormongus could talk, he would have many colorful things to say about the situation. Simian dived under the blast just as small rock shrapnel flew over the top of his head. Rolling, Simian took cover behind a boulder and snapped off a few random shots with his stunner. Simian ducked behind cover again and waited. Nothing, he peeked out from behind the rock. Simian X1 was nowhere to be seen. Nervous, Simian gripped his stunner tighter, Simian X1 was up to something. Instinctively, Simian spun around and snapped off a stunner blast. The energy bounced off Simian X1's cyborg armor as the double, who had been sneaking up behind him, charged at the captain. The cyborg backhanded Simian with his bionic hand, throwing the captain into the air. He hit the ground on his back. Groaning Simian got to his feet, that bionic hand packed a wallop. The cyborg smiled coldly as he walked in closer to the primate. Simian realized he had lost his stunner during the flight. "I guess I'll have to face you the old-fashioned way." Simian said as he picked himself up. He ran toward his double, leaped into the air and came down in a flying kick. Simian X1 waited a millisecond before the kick could connect and brutally grabbed Simian's leg. Using the momentum of the kick, Simian X1 twirled him around and the released his grip. "Whaooooo!" Simian cried as he sped through the air. Shifting his weight Simian flipped and managed to land on his feet. The direct approach isn't working. He thought, Better wait and see what this guy's going to do. "It's a pity, captain. I was sure you'd put up more of a fight." Simian X1 sighed. "But what else would you expect from a mere fleshipod." Simian X1 charged at the captain, left arm raised back, ready to swing. Simian was expecting this, waiting until his double was close enough, he spun around facing his back toward the cyborg. Grabbing Simian X1's outstretched arm, Simian pulled with all his might as he bent over. With Simian's back acting as leverage, the cyborg flew over Simian and crashed face first on the sharp gravel. Simian X1 was starting to get up when he was pushed down again. He turned his head, Simian had landed on him feet first. "Not very smart captain." Simian X1 said threateningly. "Maybe not, but it sure was fun." Simian replied. The cyborg rolled violently and tossed Simian off of him like a dirty rag. Simian threw a punch at the duplicate and then grimaced in pain as the duplicate caught the blow and started to squeeze Simian's hand. He pushed himself free and started to back into a wall, his hand throbbing from Simian X1's powerful grip. The double walked in closer and activated a beamitron, materializing in his hand was the GLOP generator. "A pity you chose to fight me captain, all this for a hunk of metal." Simian X1 shook his head in mock sadness. "Now you will die on this desolate planet alone and forgotten." Simian X1 drew his blaster and pointed it at Simian. Simian gritted his teeth and prepared for the flash that would end it all. He had failed his crew, the universe, and himself. As the purple psy-fighter raced to the canyon Rhesus finished the last adjustment on the transmitter installed on his ship, hoping it wasn't too late. Rhesus took a deep breath and withdrew the remote control for the transmitter. It was quite simple really. To ensure that his crew would also remain loyal to him, Simian X1 fitted them with a device that sent information down the subject's neural pathways, causing the subject to feel pain in varying degrees. The helmet on the gorilla was a more sophisticated device but operated on the same principle. The remote Simian X1 carried and the agony devices both operated on a specific frequency, the same was true for the gorilla's helmet. All Rhesus had to do was set his transmitter on the right frequency and he could take out Simian X1's entire crew. Rhesus tapped the control pads on the remote. He hoped the radio signal he scanned from Simian X1 was from his remote, he was also hoping the cyborg hadn't taken the precaution of changing the remote's frequency either. If he did, this whole escapade would be worse than useless. Rhesus thought. The canyon grew closer and Rhesus looked down on his sensors, two massive ships the same size and class were parked right next to each other. Rhesus checked the setting on the transmitter's remote once more and pushed the activation button. Shao Lin felt the pressure of the bo leave her neck, not questioning her good luck, she wrapped her tail around her double's neck and threw the primate off. The double flew threw the air clumsily and landed on the ground. Shao Lin jumped up, prepared to fight, however the double was still on the ground writhing in spasms and screaming in pain. Shao Lin's eyes widen in horror at the scene, she had never seen a creature suffer like this. The double looked up at her with pain-filled eyes. "Help me!" she screamed as she crawled painfully closer to Shao Lin. "Kill me! Kill him! Make it stop!" Then with a final violent spasm and an earsplitting scream the double flopped over motionless on the ground. Shao Lin stood there frozen in fear. Summoning up the courage, she walked over to where her double was and bent down to take her pulse. She felt a faint, but steady throb under her fingertips. Shao Lin turned and limped back up the path, her mind numb, knowing that this was one nightmare that will follow her for the rest of her life. She had just reached the ship when she saw Spydor and Splitzy returning also, Gor was leaning against a boulder fast asleep, with Simian X1's gorilla slave sleeping also twenty yards away. Shao Lin felt a wave of relief wash over her when she saw her crew mates alive. They all walked over to Gor, who was snoring loudly. "How can he be sleeping at a time like this?" Spydor exclaimed as he began to shake Gor awake. "Gormongus takes a lot of energy out of him Spydor." Dr. Splitz pointed out. "Shao Lin you're hurt!" Shao Lin felt embarrassed. "It is nothing, just sprained my ankle. Does anyone know what happened?" she said, hoping to change the subject. Spydor had succeeded in waking Gor up. Gor stretched his arms and yawned. "That gorilla over there turned into normal size right before I did." He added. "Yeah, well my guy just went berserk and started screaming. He said he was in pain, then he just flopped over and passed out." Spydor shuddered as if cold. "It was creepy." "That is what happened to us as well." Dr. Splitz replied. "It seems that Simian X1 has installed some sort of neural device in his crew that can cause a great deal of pain, yet would not kill. He probably uses it to keep his crew loyal to him." "Why would Simian X1 activate the device if they were winning?" Shao Lin asked. "It makes no sense." "It could be the cap." Spydor offered hopefully. Shao Lin shook her head, "It does not matter now. We need to find the captain and get out of here." The flash of light Simian had been waiting for appeared and he braced himself for death. When the light faded, Simian was surprised to find he wasn't dead. Simian X1, however wasn't so lucky, lying a few yards away the double was sprawled out on his back, unconscious. He looked up and saw Rhesus. The monkey jumped down from a small ledge with an enormous stunner rifle in his hands. "Rhesus, it's about time you showed up." Simian said, feeling relieved. "Not that I couldn't have handled him myself." Rhesus chuckled as he shouldered the rifle. "Oh really. It looked like you had him covered all right." Simian grinned, his pride didn't matter all that much now. "I owe you one." He reached down and picked up the familiar looking GLOP generator. "We better get out of here." Then he remembered. "My crew! Are they okay?" he asked. Rhesus nodded. "Don't worry, I took care of those duplicates. Simian X1 doesn't trust his crew, so he installed an agony device to keep them obedient." He shrugged. "All I had to do has to choose the right frequency and take control of the device." Simian took one last look at the creature lying on the ground. While they may both be the same biologically, inside they were on the opposite ends of the spectrum. Captain Simian felt good to be in his own ship again, speeding off in the infinite vastness of space. The Primate Avenger was hurtling through hyperspace, toward the dimensional portal that would take them back to their own universe. "Captain, I have finished the calculations for the jump." Dr. Splitz reported. "And I helped! Splitzy exclaimed. Simian nodded, the plan was to jump just outside the portal, fire the activated GLOP generator through the portal and then jump through before it closed. "Dr. Splitz how long will the portal stay open?" he asked. "Thirty minutes Captain." "And how long until we exit hyperspace?" "Twenty minutes." The other responded. "What!" Spydor exclaimed. "We only have a ten minute window?" Simian rubbed his chin in thought, it will be tight but ten minutes was better than none at all. The bridge of the Avenger was silent as the graceful ship raced to meet destiny. The Primate Avenger exited hyperspace with a flash, following it a few seconds later was Rhesus's psy-fighter. Both ships few in graceful formation to the portal, they had ten minutes to make the jump. Suddenly another flash appeared as another ship exited hyperspace, it was the Primate Marauder, back with a vengeance. Spewing fiery red lasers of destruction, it slashed into the Avenger. The bridge tilted as the Avenger took a direct hit. Simian clutched his chair and growled, "I'm really getting sick of this! ALL FEET! PRIMATE STATIONS!" he shouted. Panels opened up as the ship appeared to devour his crew. Each monkey was sent hurtling to their Primate units, parts of the Avenger could be separated into five separate smaller ships, thereby increasing the Avenger's firepower fivefold. Simian's chair moved in closer, a super tough metal alloy wall separated his fighter from Gor's unit. Simian raised his left arm where his pitcom was. "All units report go, no go. Primate One." He paused. "Go! Shao Lin checked her board, all green. "Primate Two." She gave a thumbs-up. "Go!" Spydor stuck his right index finger up through his clenched fist, trying his best to make it look like a thumb, finally he gave up. Who needs a thumb when you have a prehensile tail? . "Primate Three. Go!" Gor counted on his fingers. "One . . . two . . . three. Uh .Primate Four. Go! "Primate Five," Dr. Splitz said as he gave the thumbs-up. "Go!" "And Six." Splitzy said as he gave an enthusiastic thumbs-up. "Go!" "Peel off!" Simian commanded. The Primate Avenger split into five small fighters and separated just in time as a red beam slashed through where the complete ship used to be. Simian brought his fighter around in a tight right bank, setting up for a pass on the Marauder. He glanced down at the digital clock, only seven minutes remained. As Simian prepared for his run he saw Rhesus's fighter glide in next to his. "I'm on your wing Captain." He heard Rhesus say through the pitcom. "Roger that Rhesus. Let's kick some tail!" Simian brought the fighter into a tight spiral dive, the Marauder's lasers tracking him. He pulled sharply out of the dive and buzzed past the Marauder's port side, blue stun beams from the fighter burning through the larger ships hull. Simian looked back to see the Marauder, crippled, spinning slowly. Simian keyed his pitcom, "All units, prepared for more ships, I think the Marauder is going to peel off." As soon as the words left his mouth the Marauder separated in five ships of her own and veered in to attack. "All units pair up into two ship groups. I want you to cover each other." Simian ordered. Simian and Rhesus dived in on Simian X1's craft, the other fired a potshot as they shot past. Simian looped and chased behind his counterpart. The cyborg was in every way Simian's equal and he had trouble finding a lock. That was when Rhesus broke in. "Captain, check the time." Simian looked down and saw he only had three minutes left. "He's stalling us!" he said enraged to Rhesus. "Captain," Dr. Splitz said through the pitcom. "I just had an interesting notion, Simian X1 does not trust his crew, that much is obvious since he installed the agony device. What if he is using the same principle on the Marauder units? I have just intercepted a signal being sent from his craft, it looks like a controller code." Splitzy shook his head, "You sure are blowing a lot of hot air today Egghead." "Just pilot the craft, you ignoramus." Dr. Splitz countered. "I just may be able to help you captain," Rhesus replied, "I can use the transmitter on my ship to jam Simian X1. All I need are the frequencies." Simian nodded. "Check. Dr. Splitz, patch them to Rhesus." "Already doing so captain, transfer completed." Simian grinned at the psy-fighter. "All right Rhesus, it looks like I'm on your wing now." Rhesus laughed as the psy-fighter moved in closer to follow Simian X1. "It sure does, and I must say I can hardly believe it." "Neither can I." Simian said as he shook his head. "Neither can I." The psy-fighter tailed Simian X1's fighter when he was in range, Rhesus activated the transmitter. The other Marauder units buzzing around in the area stopped their mad dance and floated motionlessly in space. Rhesus wrapped his hands around the psy-fighter's controls as his targeting computer locked onto Simian X1's fighter, he had waited a long time for this moment. "This is for my crew." Rhesus muttered as he pressed the firing stud. The bright beams of pure energy incinerated Simian X1's ship, the psy-fighter vanished for an instant as it flew into the fireball, then reappeared on the other side. Rhesus glanced back toward the Primate Avenger, already reforming into a complete shape, he turned his head to the Marauder units, they would be saved later. A small tear ran down Rhesus's face. Simian leaning in closer at the view screen. "Time?" he asked. "One minute captain." Shao Lin answered. "Re-attach all Primate Units. Gor! Fire the GLOP generator!" he ordered. "Aye-aye captain." The glowing device shot out of the Avenger and appeared to disappear into the blackness. Suddenly, with a brilliant flash, a multicolored wormhole appeared. "Forty-five seconds Captain." Shao Lin reported. Simian leaned back and rested his head thoughtfully on his arm. "Jump on my mark." He said. Just then Rhesus appeared on the view screen. Simian frowned slightly, the monkey before him appeared younger somehow, as if a great weight was lifted off his shoulders. "Greetings Captain Simian." Simian smiled as stood. "My friends call me Chuck." Rhesus smiled. "Very well, I would like to thank you, Chuck, for your help. In a way you have given something back to me. I hope one day we can meet again." Simian nodded ruefully, "We may never have that chance. But it would be a privilege to meet again." Rhesus looked thoughtful for a moment. "Captain, what am I like in your universe?" Dr. Splitz cleared his throat, "Captain it is time." "Check, " Simian acknowledged, he looked back at Rhesus. "You don't want to know Rhesus." Rhesus nodded, "You're probably right." He saluted. "Clear skies, Captain Simian." Simian returned the salute. "Clear skies Rhesus." He said, returning the old spacer farewell. The view screen went black. Simian sat in the chair and braced himself. "Hand on Space Monkeys! We're going hyperactive!" The Primate Avenger's thruster's lighted and jumped into infinity. The Avenger was instantly swallowed by the wormhole and disappeared. On the bridge the shuddering was worse this time and Simian found himself losing consciousness. When he awoke, he found himself staring into the face of Shao Lin. "Captain, are you all right?" she asked. "I'm fine Shao Lin." He said as he rubbed his head. "Don't tell all of his was just a dream." "If that was a dream, I'm glad I'm awake." Spydor said as he flipped down and landed by Simian. "With all due respect sir, next time I pick the vacation spot." He said crossly. "I'm just glad to be back." Simian said leaning back in his chair, hands on his head. He then reconsidered that. "We are back right?" Dr. Splitz who was looking at his display console sounded troubled. "Captain I am receiving a transmission from deep space. It just might answer that question for you." On the screen appeared the metal face of Rhesus 2. "Hello, Hello, Hello Captain Zippy. I have had a mind full of things to do lately. I'm very sorry I wasn't able to contact you sooner." "Rhesus 2," Simian growled. "What do you want?" "Captain. I am surprised at you." Rhesus 2 sounded hurt. "Is that anyway to talk to the universe's future supreme ruler? What with Nebula taken out of the picture and all." "So you've taken his place." Simian replied. "Figures. What do you what with us." "Actually Captain, I'm asking you to join me." Rhesus said. "I don't think so." Simian stated, he took a sideways glance at Shao Lin. "It's a balance thing." "I see Captain. Well, I have several things to prepare for." Rhesus 2 leaned in closer, his eyes burned red. "Until we meet again Captain. I'll keep you in mind." The screen went blank and Simian leaned back tiredly into his chair. "I wouldn't expect anything less." He said. The Primate Avenger continued to glide through the sea of stars, until it vanished into infinity. "While
Darwinian Man, though well-behaved, At best is only a
monkey shaved!" "Sea Monkeys
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