Young lady
are sitting in my chair! On July 13, 1999, a thread on the SpotSM forum where Julie acted as her role-play character became an entire role-play plot once other characters joined in. Tim later compiled it into this: Apple, a little blonde-haired, genetically-enhanced squirrel monkey, has taken up residence aboard the Primate Avenger. Unfortunately for the Captain, she has decided to take over the Captain's command seat
::looks pointedly at Apple sitting in his chair:: First of all...please get off of my seat
No. No, I refuse. It's mine now. You can't have it back. Ever. ::sitting stubbornly with her arms crossed::
::Simian gives her a hard glance::
Eep... ::shies away and looks up at him with wide eyes, biting her lip:: But I want it.
::Simian gives her a frustrated look, but Apple doesn't budge in the least:: All right. Okay. Could you please come down from there now? Let me tell you rule number one in the Primate Avenger Space Manual: No one sits, stands, or occupies the Captain's chair without prior approval of the Captain. Okay, okay, from time to time Shao Lin has taken it without asking... But I'm sure she had a good reason, not that I agreed with her at the time, mind you. Check, it's a hindsight thing... ::glares at Apple, seeing she hasn't budged an inch:: All right, miss, that's *just about* enough of this. Get down from there this minute! You hear me?
What? Could you repeat that.. I.. I missed it the first time. Maybe if you say it a little *LOUDER* it'll break through all this static in my head.. geeeeeze.
C'mon, Apple! It just won't do to have the Captain standing while the others sit...I mean, I've got a reputation to uphold here. ::Grits his teeth in frustration, then looks up at Apple with a wicked grin:: Okay, missy. We can do this the hard way, or the easy way...
::Apple clings adamantly to the Captain's command seat. She says calmly:: "No."
All right, I warned you... Shao Lin, could you please have a 'chat' with this young lady?
::Shao Lin regards the Captain:: Far be it for me to interfere with your command, Captain... ::she grins mischievously::
Woo hoo! ::bounces in the chair::
::groans:: Women! ::glares at Shao Lin, then at the now grinning Apple:: I'm leaving. If you need me, I'll be in my cabin...
::Apple snickers:: TGIF... Thank God I'm Female.
::Simian glares at Apple, then turns his attention to Shao Lin:: Oh, incidentally, Shao Lin...since you obviously support this mutiny...you'd better say hello to your new temporary Captain ::points at Apple, a smirk on his face::
::Apple stands up on the chair:: Woo hoo! Hear that guys! I'm in charge! ::grins wickedly, rubbing her hands together like a true psycho::
::Splitzy looks up from the rear of the bridge:: Temporary Captain? Dang, if I'd've known it was that easy, I wouldn't've moved the last time ya told me to get outta yer chair... It's a beneficial courtesy, Splitzy. Yeah, sure...the cute monkeys get to run the place while the fix-it-all orangutan is stuck fifth in command... You stand sixth in command. That was 'cause you just took over my duties without asking... My duties have remained stationary since the establishment of the positions. Nuh-uh...
Apple ::turns to look back at the complaining duo:: Darn skippy love! Speaking of fix-it-all, can you figure out what's wrong with the Shao? She's actin' all weird like she *likes* me or somthing!
::Shao Lin looks up from her console, surprised and confused. She opens her mouth to interject, but shakes her head, thinking better of it and goes back to whatever she was doing without a word.::
::Spydor raises his hand:: Uh Captain, m'am, er sir ::innocent voice:: I was thinking that we could celebrate your, promotion ::ignoring the fact that Apple hasn't been officially made a crew member yet:: by going to the resort world Bulc Dem (Club Med). ::He jumps, and grabs a low hanging vine with his feet, swinging, then beamatrons a travel guide and flips it open, showing Apple:: The old Captain used to take us there all the time! ::Spydor's comm. console beeps::
::Rhesus2 appears on the main vid screen:: Good day, Sim--- ::pauses, looking at Apple:: What kind of feeble mind game is this? Where's Captain Zippy? ::As Rhesus 2 glares balefully at the now discomfited Apple::
::regains her bearings and lays her right arm on the arm of the chair, placing her left hand on her hip. She smiles almost seductively at Rhesus:: I'm Charlie. We ran into a planet called Transsexual in the galaxy Transylvania. I haven't been the same since. ::sits up and returns to her "normal" (used loosely) self:: Really! I'm not lying!
::Shao Lin thumbs a button on her console:: Captain, you are needed on the bridge.
::turns to look at Shao Lin fretfully:: Nooo! He'll ruin it! ::gestures to Rhesus:: Just look at the expression on his face. It's priceless! He's so confused! *Please* don't mess it up.
::Shao Lin thumbs the button on her console, awaits a reply, and finally gets one::
Oh, so now I guess the fun's over, huh, Goddess?
Captain, there is no time to soothe your pride! There is an---
::Simian over the pitcomm, cuts her off:: Oh, *really*? And I suppose that time you---
Captain, let us play this game later. We are in contact with Rhesus 2.
::Simian snaps out of his moodiness, and swings into the Avenger's bridge:: All right, team! Report!
::Apple looks back at the returning Captain:: Nice friend you got there, Charlie...
::Simian glares angrily at Apple, his teeth clenched. The Captain jumps up to the command chair, and looms over the rather diminutive Apple:: Only one monkey calls me *Charlie*...and it's not *you*. You got that...
::looks up at him for a moment, then puffs out her cheecks making the "Puffin face" and crosses her eyes... When she realizes that he isn't impressed with her talent she releases her breath and says:: No...I like Charlie.
::Simian is still...well, a little miffed to be in this situation in the first place. I mean, you try to do something nice for someone...like allowing them to sit in you chair, and they walk all over you!:: Well, young lady, you're the Captain...remember. What do we do now?
::Apple shrugs and looks toward the ceiling:: Well... We could all turn into birds and fly away. But then we'd explode when we went outside the ship, so that won't work...::shakes her head in disappointment::
::Shao Lin's eyes widen in surprise:: You cannot be serious, Captain! She is hardly fit to command this vessel at a time such as this!
Hey you! ::twists her body so she can glare back at Shao Lin:: I can handle this!
::Shao Lin returns Apple's glare with a far more intimidating one of her own::
I can handle anything. I can. I am... a Mountie. ::puffs out her chest with pride with that last quote::
::Simian shakes his head sadly:: Check, it's a sanity thing...I think. Oh, well, in for a banana, in for the bunch, they always say... ::Simian shrugs, looking at Apple in his command seat:: So what's it gonna be, Apple? Are you the Captain or are you not? If you are, well...I suggest you do something, anything real fast.
Well, fire back at him! Geeeze, what else would we do!? I can't very well beat him with my stunner from here! Am I the only one *thinking* here!?
::crosses his arms across his chest, giving Apple a disapproving look:: Right...and cause an intergalactic incident. Not on my shift, miss! Rule Number Twelve of the Primate Avenger Space Manual---
::makes a face:: Oy, not the Primate Avenger Space Manual bit again...
::Simian glares up at Spydor, effectively silencing him...for the moment:: ---states that we do not fire unless we are fired upon first.
::grits her teeth and rolls her eyes in exaggerated exasperation:: But we KNOW he's going to fire on us. I mean, he's evil. That's' what he does. Why can't we just... y'know, beat him to the punch!
::Dr. Splitz pipes up from his engineer's station:: Captain! Rhesus 2 has powered up his offensive weapons arrays!
See! See! He's gonna shoot us, why can't we shoot him?
::Splitzy, not about to be ignored, chimes in his own two cents worth...:: Dang it, Doc! That boy is locked and loaded!
::Apple jumps up so she's standing on the captain's chair, one arm above her head:: Woo hoo! Explosions! Fire! Violence!
::Simian looks at Apple with alarm:: You can't be serious! ::observes Apple's antics, then thinks a moment:: Check, she's serious...
::grins and nods at him:: Darn skippy!
::Simian stares back at Apple once more, his eyes narrowed. His gaze relays the tension of the moment:: So, are you the Captain or not? You gotta decide *now*...
::Apple smiles back at him brightly.:: Sure!
::Spydor interjects some new info:: Yo, Cap! That thimble-headed mook just closed his transmission with us. Which ain't good, ain't good at all.
::Apple turns, still standing on the chair, and looks calmly down at Spydor:: Well, call him back. I mean... Can't you?
No can do, sister! Either somethin's jammin' our transmission or Thimble-Head has turned his comm unit off... Take your pick...
Mmm... Oh dear. ::bites her lip:: I hate making hard decisions like this... Uhh.. Heeee'sss.. ::quickly and loudly:: Jammin' our transmission! ::looks at Charlie hopefully:: Did I guess right!?
::shrugs, but grins tightly at her response::
::She hears a beep from her console, and investigates. She looks to the Captain (the real Captain, that is):: Captain, I have detected another vessel on long-range scanners. It is currently keeping it's distance.
Can we blow them up too after we get done with Rhesus? ::an unearthly silence fills the hull as the rest of the Avenger's crew gape at her in shock and horror:: ::She opens her mouth, shrugs her shoulders while putting her arms out the side and widens her eyes:: I was kidding! ((really, she was kidding that time!! Apple's not *that* sick.))
::Simian frowns, thinking...:: Roger that. Shao Lin, Prepare---
::Apple looks to the Captain angrily, pointing her finger at him:: Hey, just what do you think you're doin'? I'm the Captain, remember! Belay that order!
::He gapes at her, shocked:: But...but I didn't even give an order!
Even better... That'd be mutiny, mister. I won't tolerate that kind of stuff while I'm in command...
::Dr. Splitz gasps softly in surprise:: Captain, er...both of you, Rhesus 2's ship has begun to close on our current position.
::Apple's eyes widen a moment...then she remembers she has a reputation to keep, and turns to Shao Lin:: You may fire when ready, Mr. Sulu... Er, uh, that is... You know what I mean. Just shoot him! Make with the pretty lights, the explosions...
::Shao Lin crosses her arms in adamant refusal:: I will not! I will not harm another sentient being...even if it is Rhesus 2!
C'mon Shao! I thought you were liking me there for a while... What happened? ::pouts slightly, then realizes that Shao Lin is not about to go along with her charade:: ::Apple grits her teeth in frustration:: All right, then I'll do it myself! ::hunts around the armrest consoles, looking for the *right* button:: Uh, I know this is prolly not the best time to ask this... But, could you please tell me which button I need to push to blast this turkey away? ::indicates all the Space Monkeys with her request:: ::The crew narrow their eyes at their *temporary* Captain::
Sorry, but they only tell you that at command school. And you ain't been there yet...
I will not aid you in your violent pursuit.
Hey, don't look at me, Cap-ette! I gotta live with these mooks after you're done...
I quite agree with the others. Your childish behavior will no doubt place us in a deleterious predicament to say the least. Yeah...what the Doc said! ::Fire from Rhesus 2's ship impacts heavily on the Avenger's shields, rocking the ship::
Eep! ::shrinks back, bringing her knees up to her chest. After she recovers she turns to the others almost desperately:: Come on, you guys! He's winning! You just *gotta* show how to shoot back! ::Another jolt runs through the ship::
Shields down to 75 per cent, Captain.
Grrrr.... Fine. If you won't show me then *you* do it! ::stands up, ready to jump down from the chair, then pauses, regarding the Captain:: But only if I get to call you Charlie!
::Simian looks at Apple, considering his options carefully:: All right...
Hee hee. I still win! ::Climbs up onto the seatback of the chair::
Captain, it is wise to close the gate...before the horses have left.
::Simian frowns, trying to understand...:: Sure...I get it...I think. ::sits down in his command seat, smiling:: It's good to be back! Doc, can you target Rhesus 2's ion drive from your console?
::Dr. Splitz rapidly types on his keyboard, and then studies the results:: Certainly, Captain. Target is identified.
::Simian looks over to Shao Lin quickly:: Shao Lin, lock stunners on the co-ordinates the Doc has!
Target is locked, Captain
::Looks to Apple, a small grin on his face:: Here's what you've been waiting for...Captain.
::she leans down, holding onto the seatback with her tail to support herself:: ::her voice full of awe, wonder and excitement, she looks at him with wide hopeful eyes:: Can I push it?
::Simian nods, indicating a button on the armrest:: Push that glowing blue button.
Woo hoo! Now you're talking!
::Gor looks back over his shoulder:: Yes, he is.
::Apple hesitates a moment...then savagely presses the blue button.:: Take that! And that! And maybe some of that too! ::laughs maniacally:: Mwaaahahahahaaa!
::Dr. Splitz reviews his readings:: Sensors indicate the volley of stun fire has struck Rhesus 2's ship!
::Simian nods at the Doc, then looks back at Apple:: Not bad...for a beginner.
::grins at him, pulling herself back up onto the seatback.:: I was quite happy with the result. ::her face falls as she feels the eyes of the other crewmates on her:: Oh dear... ::A pang of guilt stabs her stomach and she bites her lip:: Heh. Ummm. ::she turns to look at the others:: Well. Gee. I, guess I should, like... ::looks down at the floor:: I'm sorry. I was just playing around and it got outta hand... ::as Apple is making her heartfelt apology a sudden tremor rocks the ship violently::
Well it ain't over!
It seems Rhesus was not quite so happy with the result of your learning experience Apple
He is locked on to us, Captain, preparing to fire again! Narrator ::while all that crazy jazz is going on the Primate Avenger, there is equal mayhem on the good ship Purshana:: Jemilla ::scowling, reviewing the damage control status board:: STUPID SHIP!!! Can't you even fix your own stupid lousy warp drive! ::shaking a wrench at the console:: Purshana ::a female voice speaks from the console:: Oh, like it's MY fault! YOU were the one who tried to make a stand against those raiders! Jemilla ::Jemilla shakes her white mane out from her eyes:: You said you had shields up! Now we have no warp drive, barely functional weapons array, and a big ugly hole in your worthless hull! Purshana Oh shut up. I'm only a machine, and...hey. Lookie at the viewcreen! Jemilla ::she doubtfully looks:: What the-? ::looking at a vaguely monkey-shaped ship and Rhesus 2's ship:: Interesting...I think we should stay out of their way. Purshana Are you insane? What a hottie! Look at the flux on that hunk... Jemilla ::rolls her eyes:: Riiiiiiiight....stay out of their scanner range, okay? Purshana Ummm...too late, boss. Jemilla Oh great! Well now we see what they do, I guess... Purshana ::Purshana squeals:: **They're hailing, Boss. Should I put them on screen?** Jemilla ::Jemilla nods, grudgingly curious about those aboard the Avenger:: ::the face that comes up on the vidscreen nearly makes her step back in surprise. It's another primate, obviously intelligent because he speaks:: Purshana ::Purshana whistles:: I didn't know there were so many danged monkeys banging about in space!
::Spydor is startled when his console beeps. He works his comm station:: Yo, Cap! Got something comin' over the Marconi, here.
::Simian acknowledges Spydor's statement with a nod:: On screen, mister... ::The main vidscreen flickers and expands to twice its size. The screen flickers to life. In an instant a face appears on the screen. It is a pretty face, mostly red-brown in color, definitely primatoid, and topped with a thick mane of blazing white hair. The Space Monkeys look at this monkey, definitely a female, BTW, and notice that her attractive eyes do not match in color: one is a deep brown or black, while the other is a green similar to Simian's:: ::Simian clears his throat, trying to hide his surprise:: Jemilla ::absently, listening to the rugged-looking chimp on screen:: Shhh...
Greetings, I am Captain Simian of the Primate Avenger. We come in peace and good will. Who do I have the honor of addressing? Jemilla ::tilts her head to the side, narrowing one eye scrutinizing the Captain, trying to size up this handsome chimp. There appears to be a lovely female in the background, and soon another female pops her head into view::
::Off to the side, Shao Lin softly says:: Why so formal, Captain?
::Simian begins to open his mouth to reply::
::Before the Captain can reply, the second female pipes up loudly and happily from Simian's seat back:: 'Cause he's got a crush on her! ::tousles the Captain's hair playfully:: You don't waste any time, do ya buddy!?
::Simian is startled, then frowns and looks up at Apple:: I do not have a crush on her. ::looks worriedly back towards Shao Lin, who says nothing, but her gaze is wary:: You're getting me in trouble, miss. That's one place I don't need any help getting to, thank you...
::snickers:: A love triangle. Already. Wowie! You *really* don't waste any time!
::Simian puts a hand over his eyes in frustration. Decides the best course of action is to ignore the silly squirrel monkey:: ::Simian composes himself and replies to Shao Lin, keeping his lips' movement to a minimum:: Well, Shao Lin, as I was about to say, ::pause to glare ineffectually at Apple:: because she's the first monkey, other than us, we've encountered.
You're monkeys? I'm sorry to hear that
::Simian sighs as the Orbitron zips away:: Jemilla ::Jemilla watches closely, wishing she could lip-read::
::Apple leans over the top of the Captain to end up staring into his startled face:: Hello! What's that make me, Charlie? Diced bananas?
::Simian grins in embarrassment, then gives Apple an apologetic look:: Uh...let's make that...the *second* monkey we've encountered...
::Apple nods her head, her honey-blonde locks jostling:: Dang straight, Charlie. And don't you forget it!
::Simian grimaces at first, then grins:: Oh, I won't forget. And...even if I do, I'm sure you'll be there to tell me.
::Apple, unsure as to whether the Captain is being serious or not, settles on sitting back down on the back of his chair and pouts:: Jemilla ::when Jemilla is sure that they are quite done with their little episode, she speaks:: Captain Simian. I am Jemilla Tryxa, of my ship Purshana.
Purshana...that name sounds familiar. Have we met? Purshana ::Purshana's tone takes on a seductive quality:: We could find out... Jemilla ::Jemilla glares at the console:: Knock it off! Purshana ::in a petulant voice:: Well, he started it!!!
::Apple sticks her face down into view again, resting her hands on Charlie's shoulders:: How do you spell that? J-E-M-I-L-A or J-E-M-I-L-L-A? And if it's a double L'd Jemilla then why isn't it pronounced "Jem-ee-ya" like the Spanish version?
Actually, "Jemilla" spoken in Spanish would be pronounced with a primary syllable beginning with an "H" sound. Since when do you know Spanish? Oh, I've gradually picked it up over the past few years...
::Apple notices Jemilla's blank stare and shrugs:: I was just wondering... ::pulls herself back up and out of Jemilla's view:: Purshana ::Purshana can't help but pipe in:: And what a *lovely* ship I am!
Your video-optical reception is one of the loveliest cappuccinos I have ever tasted. Wait, that doesn't sound right... Purshana Awwww, that's so wait a minute... Jemilla ::Jemilla narrows her eyes and glares at the console:: Shhh Anyway...Captain. I am in need of repairs, my ship's hull was damaged. ::pointedly does not say how it was damaged:: May I inquire...::curiosity overcoming her wariness:: You appear to be, well, monkeys like I am. Do you come from Earth?
::The little blonde female can be heard from off screen:: No... We're from Idaho. Not the state. The planet. ::in her best "Ralph Wiggum" impression:: 'I'm Idaho!' ::trying amuse/distract Spydor and Gor::
::Spydor attempts to conceal a snicker while Gor cocks his head to one side, confused::
But, I thought you were ::blinks::
::Splitzy grins at Apple's silliness, turning his head to avoid being noticed by the Captain:: ::Dr. Splitz turns back with a straight face:: In my travels, I have not encountered a planet Idaho...I believe you may be referring to Ohadi, a moon of the planet Otatop.
Otatop? Ohadi!? Hey! That's fun to say. Ohadi! ::repeats the word, changing her voice inflection and the stresses slightly each time:: OOOOhadi... ohadi, ohadi, ohadi OHADI! It sounds like someplace that Lin would vacation. If Lin took vacations. ::smiles disarmingly at back at Shao Lin.::
::Shao Lin crosses her arms before her chest, disapproving of Apple's calling her "Lin":: We are to be addressed as Shao Lin, Apple. Not "Shao", not "Lin", but Shao Lin. ::pauses to glare haughtily at the grinning Apple::
What about "THE Shao"? That's like... Whoa! You're the only one! In the whole universe. Imagine the glorious gloriosity! Whaddaya say? The Shao. ::animating the incredible beauty of it all with various large hand movements and odd expressions::
::Shao Lin discovers that not a whole lot affects the silly, blonde-haired monkey:: It is said, young one, that the wise think without talking, while fools talk without thinking...
::Apple turns back to look at Jem's image on the vidscreen, mimicking Shao Lin as she does so, muttering to herself:: Young one...
Lovliest lattes? No, that's not it...
::Simian smiles at Shao Lin's rebuke...even though he not quite sure what the last part was supposed to mean. Simian frowns at all the distraction, especially the Orbitron:: Gotta get that thing fixed...
Yer not referring to me are you? I'm *not* taking *any* medication. I refuse. ::crosses her arms and stares down at the back of Simian's head seriously::
::Simian looks back at Apple, some sympathy for the blonde monkey girl::
::Apple gazes down at him a worried yet hopeful expression on her face::
Check, it's a phobia thing. ::He is clearly thinking of using this new-found knowledge to his advantage sometime in the future:: Ask Gor about it some time...
::Gor looks up at the sound of his name:: Ask me about what, Captain?
::Simian straightens his jacket, ignores Apple and sits up straight to address Jemilla again:: You're welcome to come aboard, Miss Tryxa. I'll have Splitzy take a look at repairing your ship. I think we all would like to meet with you, if you're willing...
::Apple grins wickedly, and in a sing-song voice says:: Charlie and Jemilla, sittin' in a tree...
::Simian's cheeks redden...again. He growls softly to Apple, exasperated. Simian notices that he experiences this emotion *a lot* around Apple. Wonder why...:: Apple!
::Apple, still grinning, says nothing more, but continues humming her newest little ditty::
::Simian rolls his eyes, reigning in his irritation toward a certain blonde-haired monkey...:: Why me? Why'd she have to pick me?
::Apple hears Charlie's muttering and leans over to hug his head, careful not to hug to hard :: 'Cause yer so darn cute! Heh heh.
::Simian looks to the other members of his crew, a martyred look in his eyes:: See? That's just what I mean.
::frowning:: Mean 'bout what..? ::in the dark::
::Simian ignores her and turns back around to face Jemilla:: Sorry about all the interruptions, Ms. Tryxa. ::glares at Apple a moment:: What do you say? Still interested in meeting?
::Apple returns her attention to Jem, while not completely letting go of Simian's head:: Yeah, come over. We wanna meet you.
::Simian sighs, looks up at Apple. He replies in a sarcastic voice:: Thanks, Apple. I'm *so* glad you approve...
::Apple grins and kisses the top of his head:: No problem, love. ::she finally releases his head and settles back down on the back of his command chair:: Jemilla ::Jemilla wonders why they let psychopaths run around in space:: Thank you...but I better stay on my ship... Purshana ::Purshana interrupts quietly:: Boss, I think you should go meet 'em. You KNOW you're lonely out here... Jemilla ::Jemilla narrows her mismatched eyes:: I don't get lonely, 'Shana. ::looks at the vidscreen and addresses Captain Simian:: Very well. ::as an afterthought:: Thank you. I will dock my ship with yours. (I don't really know all the technical garble of how to do that...) Purshana Cha cha cha!
Woo hoo! A new friend! And so it continues...... ::cue the dramatic music:: |
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