Gorilla My
Orbitron, will the composition of those asteroids deflect
Rhesus 2's scanners?
Orbitron: Scanning...hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm...hmm.
My readings indicate that planting squash in the early
spring is advisable in Sweden.
14.1 s RealAudio / 151
K Wave Sound
Splitz: Readings indicate no measurable signs of
life, Captain.
Spydor: Good. Now let's go home.
5.3 s RealAudio / 58
K Wave Sound
Face it, Captain. This mook's some kind of monkey-flippin'
earwax-lovin alien wacko.
4.7 s RealAudio / 51
K Wave Sound
Lin: Please understand that in our hearts we do
not respect - the use of gratuitous - hya! - and
meaningless - unh! - violence - hi-ya!
10 s RealAudio / 107
K Wave Sound
2: Who is this annoying fleshipod who keeps
yapping to himself?
Captain: Ignore it. It's a personality
displacement thing.
6.5 s RealAudio / 70
K Wave Sound