Theme Songs
Yes, We Have No Bananas
Yes, We Still Have No Bananas
The Monkey Has Landed
Gorilla My Dreams
Splitzy's Choice
Invasion of the Banana Snatchers
Repo Ape
Lawnmower Ape
Monkey in the Middle
The Apes of Wrath
Plan Ape From Outer Space
Mind Over Monkey
Monkey Puzzle Man
Planet of the Humans
Felonious Monks
Little House on the Primate
The Maltese Monkey
Rhesus Pieces
Escape From the Plant of the Apes
A Clockwork Orang
Surf Monkeys Must Dive!
The Mandrill Who Knew Too Much
Ape-pocalypse Now!
Ape-pocalypse...A Little Later!
En español

Little House on the Primate

Spydor: I've flippin' had it with this floating jungle! I need to be on terra firma, and the firma, the betta.
6.3 s
RealAudio / 68 K Wave Sound

Gor: What is "patience?"
Spydor: I'll tell you later.
Gor: I want to know what patience is, now!
7.1 s
RealAudio / 77 K Wave Sound

Dr. Splitz: Approaching galaxies QB-6 and QB-7, Captain.
Gor: Which way should we go?
Orbitron: My money is in mutual funds, with a mild reliance on treasury bills.
9.3 s
RealAudio / 100 K Wave Sound

Captain: QB-6 has more planets.
Shao Lin: Yes, but QB-7 has more sun, increasing our chances of locating an inhabitable planet.
Captain: QB-6 is closer.
Shao Lin: QB-7 is warmer.
Spydor: Hello! Can we just pick one before we're too flippin' old to flip out?
Captain: Check. So we'll go with QB-6, right?
[No answer]
Captain: Right.
17.8 s
RealAudio / 191 K Wave Sound

Spydor: Ahh, peace and quiet. Undisturbed by neither man nor mook. Just the way nature intended...Ok, casino goes there, I'm thinking a hotel, maybe two, one cheap open to families, and we'll make it back in the kiosk. Water park that way...
Gor: What is a kiosk?
15.2 s
RealAudio / 163 K Wave Sound

Me: You've got campers on your kiester!
Spydor: What?!
Orbitron: Tourists on your tukas!
5 s
RealAudio / 54 K Wave Sound

Shao Lin: It is said that the flea can move the donkey, but the donkey cannot move the flea.
Captain: You're going somewhere with this, right?
6.2 s
RealAudio / 67 K Wave Sound

Rhesus 2: Where is he? Where is the big gorilla?
Spydor: Big gorilla? Nobody here but us monkeys.
Rhesus 2: But that's impossible! He was here, I saw him, I, I felt him!
Spydor: Yeah? Maybe Nebula will wanna puree your brain.
Rhesus 2: No! No, not again!
15.6 s
RealAudio / 167 K Wave Sound

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