Theme Songs
Yes, We Have No Bananas
Yes, We Still Have No Bananas
The Monkey Has Landed
Gorilla My Dreams
Splitzy's Choice
Invasion of the Banana Snatchers
Repo Ape
Lawnmower Ape
Monkey in the Middle
The Apes of Wrath
Plan Ape From Outer Space
Mind Over Monkey
Monkey Puzzle Man
Planet of the Humans
Felonious Monks
Little House on the Primate
The Maltese Monkey
Rhesus Pieces
Escape From the Plant of the Apes
A Clockwork Orang
Surf Monkeys Must Dive!
The Mandrill Who Knew Too Much
Ape-pocalypse Now!
Ape-pocalypse...A Little Later!
En español

Felonious Monks

Shao Lin: Space...it is a mystery.
Captain: If you think that's a mystery, try figuring out how to refold this map.
11.1 s
RealAudio / 120 K Wave Sound

Shao Lin: Captain, if I recall, the last time we attempted a questionable maneuver near a wormhole, we got pulled into an alternate universe.
Orbitron: Also, have you seen my fuzzy slippers?
Captain: Some of us never quite made it back.
12.1 s
RealAudio / 130 K Wave Sound

Apax: Your female is missing. Where is she?
Captain: She's on vacation.
Dr. Splitz: Preparing for finals.
Me: Visiting kinfolk.
Spydor: Waxing her legs.
Gor: No, Captain, she's on the ship.
9.2 s
RealAudio / 99 K Wave Sound

Captain: Weapons on stun!
[Stunners are fired unsuccessfully]
Captain: Ok...scratch that idea.
8.1 s
RealAudio / 88 K Wave Sound

Shao Lin: Where are my frien...the crewmates?
2 s
RealAudio / 21 K Wave Sound

Orbitron: Do you mind? I'm a very delicate piece of machinery, you know!
Shao Lin: If you do not break this fall, you will be several delicate pieces of machinery.
6.2 s
RealAudio / 67 K Wave Sound

Orbitron: Oh! Now you've done it. I've got a hernia.
3 s
RealAudio / 33 K Wave Sound

Alien: He give us nothing but awful mush to eat. Mush yesterday, mush today, mush tomorrow...we call it "Soylent Mush."
8.3 s
RealAudio / 89 K Wave Sound

Orbitron: Today, news from the front. And the rear, and off to the side of it.
3.2 s
RealAudio / 34 K Wave Sound

Orbitron: I am to tell you to prepare for maneuver Tangerine-Dream-Revolution-Number-9...something.
Captain: What?
Orbitron: Or was it maneuver Mello-Yello-23-Skidoo?
8.5 s
RealAudio / 91 K Wave Sound

Spydor: Should've been better off with smoke signals than this heap of junk.
Orbitron: That's Mr. Heap of Junk to you.
5.4 s
RealAudio / 58 K Wave Sound

Captain: I didn't think you had it in you to get us out of there.
Shao Lin: But of course, Captain. There was never any doubt.
Orbitron: Except for that moment on the roof when you were sayi-
8.9 s
RealAudio / 95 K Wave Sound

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